I have many videos – just showing two videos from my two channels. Please feel free to visit my channels.

My Blogs

Verizon Sucks

After having it for more than three years I had to cancel my Verizon Internet (FIOS) service on 09 September 2017. When I was cancelling I mentioned that bill close date was 06 September, so can I be excused for the last two days but she said no and I would be paying...


This was the first year when I went to butcher shops for Kurbani of Eid-ul-Azha (Annual religious sacrifice). We deposited $500 to a butcher shop in Pipersville, PA to get a bull of around 1800lbs. That was a Thursday and he told our organizer that he only had big...

Eid Mubarak

Eid-ul-Ajha is a two-and-a-half-day celebration. Today is the first day and this morning, we went to pray at our local Northeast Philadelphia Islamic Center. We attended the first jamat at 8:00am. The main Eid prayer took place in the front yard of the mosque, but we...


In our agency, employees are required to come to office only once in a week, so that their computer can get updates from the agency network. Rest of the days they are allowed to work from remote locations (home, hotel, etc.) which is called telework. I think 1/2 days...


It dawned on me – If there was no love there would be nothing…

Hiding GridView Columns

I desperately needed to hide/show some columns of my GridView since I was showing the same user control to different groups of users and they didn't need to see the same information. The columns’ property Visible takes Boolean value true/false but doesn't take the...

The Curious Case of Children’s Motrin Costs

I recently needed to purchase Children’s Motrin, which I had bought from Walmart a few days ago for $7.68. However, since Walmart is a bit far from my location, I decided to compare prices online at Rite Aid and CVS. To my surprise, Rite Aid listed it for $8.79, while...